Monday, March 23, 2020

Parker Pen Case Study free essay sample

This particular case deals with a number of subsidiary marketing problems of PARKER, a writing instrument company, which ultimately converge into a major marketing problem. The designer of this case also has a specific objective to attain out of this case study. Wrong selection of marketing strategy by the new CEO of PARKER (Mr. Paterson) was the principal problem of this case. There are a number of subsidiary problems associated with this. Long-term The global strategy orientation plans failed in the long run of the company for the past two decades and now the re-establishment of a global strategy with multinational decentralization approach is needed. By which way can the company regain its primary position in the global market with a multinational marketing approach once again and retain the traditional qualities of the brand? In stating the problem(s) be specific, concise, and to the point. The root of all managerial and marketing problems is the ill-defined framework and biases in the decision–making procedure derived from the CEO of the company James R. We will write a custom essay sample on Parker Pen Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Peterson. Identify and list the â€Å"symptoms† to the problem and Key Facts of the Case The adaptation of a unified global marketing approach can be explained as a self-reference criterion (SRC) mistake of the CEO due to his former experience. Many companies involved in global marketing, do not rigidly centralized all their marketing effort, due to the huge variety in the culture of different region. In some cases companies made little or few adjustments in their standardized global effort to meet the requirements of different environments. But Mr. Peterson and his strategy had the rigidity in following centralized packaging, pricing, and promotional materials. This rigidity was not accepted by the customers of different culture. Pursuing the market and products of lower-end in addition to higher-end products was a devastating re-positioning decision for the company. Over the period of time PARKER established an image, as the seller of high-end products. But the new CEO suddenly started pursuing the lower-end of the market and started producing lower-priced pens. This was counter to PARKER’s tradition and image and many of its loyal customers could not accept this. Ultimately this proved to be an ill – advice for PARKER. There is another reason for the failure of the new strategy. Problems arose on the manufacturing side with the fact that repeated mechanical faults caused disturbance in the productivity of the automated production plant. Mr. Peterson fired a group of his successful managers which consisted of some veteran managers of the company. In some cases, a move was greeted with dismay by the employees within the company, which ultimately affected the productivity of the firm. Under these circumstances, company’s image was affected, which ultimately resulted into the selection of a wrong strategy for PARKER. 3. Strategic Alternatives Analysis, advantages and disadvantages of alternatives Continuing with the Previous Decentralized Strategy via enhancing presence in the local markets like before through investment in local subsidiaries and economic motivation to its past advertising agencies. This strategy may enhance sales gradually but repair the brand image and net equity in the long term. Lower End Market Product may be developed with Different Brand Name. In this strategy PARKER would try focus its efforts again on selling the upper end products in their generic brand name PARKER to keep up the tradition and image of the company at historically targeted market segments. At the same time, the company could pursue the lower end market with different brand name products, in order to achieve risk diversification and better net equity. Initially, this strategy might face some difficulties to penetrate the market but if handled with care it could earn the satisfaction of profitable segment, especially in emerging markets like Brazil, China and Turkey.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Tell Your Parents You Want to Transfer Colleges

How to Tell Your Parents You Want to Transfer Colleges Chances are, you and your parents spent a lot of time looking at, preparing for, applying to, and finally deciding on which college you wanted to attend. Which means, of course, that if you decide you  really  dont like where you are and you want to transfer to another institution, bringing the topic up to your folks presents quite a few challenges. So just where should you begin? Be Honest Its okay to admit that you dont like where you are; approximately 1 in 3 college students ends up transferring at some point, which means that your desire to head somewhere else certainly isnt unusual (or even unexpected). And even if you feel like youre letting your parents down or are otherwise creating problems, being honest about how your current experience is going is still really important. Its much easier to transfer before things become overwhelming, after all, and your parents need you to be honest if theyre going to be able to fully help and support you. Talk About What You Dont Like at Your Institution Is it the students? The classes? The professors? The overall culture? Talking through whats causing your stress and unhappiness can not just help you find a solution, it can help transform what feels like an overwhelming issue into smaller, conquerable problems. Additionally, if youre looking to transfer, youll be better able to identify what you  dont  want at your next college or university. Talk About What You Do Like Its unlikely that you dislike every single thing at your current school. It can be hard but also helpful to think about the things you really do like. What attracted you to your institution in the first place? What appealed to you? What do you still like? What did you learn to like? What would you like to see at any new place you transfer to? What do you find appealing about your classes, your campus, your living arrangement? Focus on the Fact that You Want to Continue Calling your parents to say you want to leave your school can be heard two ways: you want to transfer colleges or you want to drop out of college altogether. And for most parents, the former is a lot easier to handle than the latter. Focus on your desire to stay in school and to continue your education just at another college or university. That way, your parents can focus on making sure you find someplace with a better fit instead of worrying that youre throwing your future away. Be Specific Try to be very detailed about why you dont like where you are. While I just dont like it here and I want to come home/go somewhere else might adequately convey how youre feeling, broad statements like these make it difficult for your parents to know how to support you. Talk about what you like, what you dont like, when youd like to transfer, where (if you know) youd like to transfer, what you want to study, what your goals still are for your college education and career. That way, your parents can help you focus on the things that are most important in ways that are specific and actionable. Talk Through the Specifics If you really do want to transfer (and end up doing so), there are a lot of logistics to work out. Before you fully commit to leaving your current institution, make sure youre fully aware of how the process will work. Will your credits transfer? Will you have to pay back any scholarships? When will you have to start paying back your loans? What financial obligations do you have in your living environment? Will you lose any efforts youve made in the current semester and, consequently, would it be wiser to just stay a little while longer and finish up your current course load? Even if you want to transfer as soon as possible, you likely dont want to spend longer than needed cleaning up what you left behind. Make a plan of action, knowing deadlines for all of your to-dos, and then talk with your parents about how they can best support you during the transition.